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Darren Bos

Producer, Cinematographer and Storyteller 

Hello, I am pleased to welcome you to my website. 


Let me tell you why filmmaking has been my passion from an early age.


My grandfather was a fanatic hobbyist and started filming since the 1960s with double 8mm cameras and participated in various productions. I was always intrigued by the reels of film that ran through the projectors and I always knew that I wanted to do something in that area professionally.


Now I have chosen filmmaking as a graduation subject for my international baccalaureate. My passion is mainly making short videos and making them ready for use in Social Media channels. I am highly motivated to tell a story and convey a clear message in a video. Determining a strategy and content leads to the most beautiful stories. I have been expanding my experience for quite some time and have produced several videos. It is my goal to continue doing this for a long time.

"Telling your story"



For each video, I first have a personal meeting to determine the purpose of the video. I try to understand the need for the video and follow these steps: 

  • What is the purpose of the video? 

  • I determine the wanted content of the video. 

  • Is the purpose a video campaign or is it a one-time video? 

  • For what medium do you want to use the video?

  • Before getting to the production part, I prepare a video script:

  • Describing the objective in a short summary based on the answers to various questions. 

  • How to make the video understandable to your audience. 

  • Determining the type of video such as a commercial video which is between 30 seconds and 3 minutes. 

  • Your story comes to life through sound and visuals and therefore the video content can be supplemented with sound effects, voice over, music or motion graphics.

  • The result will be the preparation of separate scripts, the visual script and the audio script.



On forehand several steps are being prepared:

  • If decided the video needs actors, they will need to be scouted.

  • Which props are needed for the shoot? 

  • Depending on the type of video the location or several locations are chosen. This can be indoors or outdoors, in an office location, or a home or other onsite locations. 

  • For the filming session I provide the necessary equipment to ensure a high quality video footage as well as taking lighting and sound in consideration.

  • To achieve a professional look, I work with high end camera’s and lenses using stabilizers and microphones.

  • A very important part of the video to give it a professional look is lightning. Although during the editing face some correction is possible it is of the most importance to have good lighting during the shoot

  • Sound, lightning and visuals should work seamlessly together to tell your story and bring your message to life.



During this process of creating a video clip,  I arrange all video shots and sound recordings. I do pretty much all you can think of:

  • Cuts & transitions

  • Color grading

  • Audio mixing

  • Picture stabilization

  • Titles and text overlays

  • Motion graphics

I use video editing software to make a perfect blending, leading to an appealing end result, preparing the video for the needed format usable for several possibilities like:

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Google ads

  • Linked In

  • You Tube

  • Website

Video marketing


The video goal is accomplished. Now the next step follows, how to reach your audience. Video preference is one of the most important driving forces of using your video as a marketing tool. Video marketing can capture a wide audience.


I can help to define, implement, monitor and manage your digital presence in multiple channels.  

My projects



My projects

My projects
Location video - Classic

Location video - Classic

Play Video
Hotel Santiago de Alfama

Hotel Santiago de Alfama

Play Video
Location Video - Modern

Location Video - Modern

Play Video



Darren has been part of the technical crew for every performance and production at school. There is a production every year, as well as house plays, battle of the band and exam performance showcases. Darren is always at hand to help and has actually become a lead role in this. He is proactive in asking for dates of rehearsals and makes himself  available. We also have a professional company that bring an outdoor stage and equipment on our bonfire night, which Darren supports with professionalism.

He is an incredible student leader and, using his own initiative, set up a technical theatre club, training younger students on how to operate the lighting and sound equipment. It is impressive how Darren teaches and nurtures these younger students and he is, without aL doubt, a role model.

I am thrilled that Darren set up the younger technical team, as there will be others to follow in his footsteps. I am not sure if they will come close to Darren's competency and drive, as we have relied upon Darren so much.


Darren is even trusted with the keys to the lighting box; something that nobody else is trusted with, not even other staff. Once, when the school theatre technician was ill, Darren took over the technical rehearsal of the house plays successfully. This was evidence of his ability and willing nature.

"Darren is competent in designing stage lighting and sound, as well as operating and programming. He is also competent in camera work and has filmed a number of productions with high tech equipment."


"As one of the most volunteering people in the group. 


Darren was responsible for all Video and Photography at the Gala on an evening that welcomed over 230 guests that needed to be covered for record thorough a cocktail, dinner and auction as well as several sponsors hat had a need for high media visibility.  He persevered on this efforts to have the evening covered despite an attendee group that was too large and boisterous for adequate media coverage! This was an evening that was quite demanding to the volunteer team and where Darren and several IB schoolmates were restless in making the evening run smoothly, trying to reach the fundraising goals and make guests have a great time on behalf of children in Mozambique.


Darren is also a highly helpful and pleasant team member, always with a smile and never lowering his efforts to help. It was a pleasure to have his support and goodwill contributing towards the success of this fundraising event on behalf of underprivileged children’s education.

We wish him all the luck in his future career!"

"Darren is a young man of exceptional dedication, generosity and effort. Our anglo-portuguese Charity Um Pequeno Gesto/A Little Gesture ran a crucial gala In October 2019 and Darren dedicated several hours to this event."


As founder of the Teen Alive aid festival the purpose is to give young students the opportunity to perform music during this youth festival held yearly in Oeiras municipality. The profit goes to charity supporting children’s sports activities. 


During the past couple of years Darren has volunteered to make  promotional videos of the event. He has been filming during the day to deliver a fully edited movie which has been used on the social media platforms.

"Darren has formed a clear picture of the assignment during meetings and has demonstrated that he works in a professional manner. Darren's technical knowledge and dedication made a major contribution to our event."


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© 2021 by Darren Bos

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